
My beautiful son Silas and I saying hello to all of you in the great big small world out there. I started this blog a long time ago, and over the years have changed my mind about what I am going to put into it and what it might be about, overall. So within there will be a few different sections of equal or lesser value of each other, all of which is either original from my mind unless otherwise noted, snippets from my personal writing endeavours, or small findings of mine that I deemed interesting enough to share. I have some spring cleaning to do before the functionality of my blog will be fully easily accessed, so bear with me and let me show you the adventures that my son and I have, and how those adventures give birth to the wonderful fantasy, philosophy, and other  sporadic ideas my brain decides to share with the rest of the world.

For now, enjoy what is here and feel free to dig back a few months so that you can find all of the interesting and random things that bring me my daily serenity. 

3 comments on “About

  1. …and what haven’t you decided yet? 🙂
    I like your writing btw


    • traceramsey says:

      Well I have not decided on which one of these forks in the road to pick up. lol And thank you kindly for the compliment. Support is scattered and far between. I am an alright spanish speaker and I enjoy that you translate your poems. Helps me a ton!


  2. bequin says:

    Congratulations on the new baby – many blessings to your family!


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